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Penalties for Employers

Publication date: 26 January 2023 - 04 Rajab 1444
  • Penalties for Employers- Establishments

1- Without prejudice to any harsher penalty provided for in any other law, any person infringing upon any of the provisions of this Law, its Regulations, or the decisions issued in implementation thereof shall be subject to one or more of the following penalties:

A- A fine not exceeding 100,000 riyals.

B-Closure of the firm for a period not exceeding 30 days.

C- Permanent closure of the firm.

2- The penalty imposed on the violator may be doubled in the case of repetition.

3- Fines shall be multiplied by the number of persons subject of the violation.

Article (231)

The violator is required to rectify the violation within a period specified by the Regulations. Otherwise, it shall be considered a new violation.


About Article

business sector


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