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Publication date: 26 January 2023 - 04 Rajab 1444

Article (58)

1- The employer may not relocate the worker from his/her original place of work to another place that requires a change in place of residence without his/her written consent.

2-The employer may, in exigent circumstances and for a period not exceeding 30 days per year, assign the worker without his consent to a different location, provided that the employer bears the costs of the worker’s transport and residence during such period.

Article (59)

A monthly-paid worker may not be reclassified as a daily-paid, a weekly-paid, or hourly-paid worker nor as a worker paid by piecework, unless the worker agrees thereto in writing and

without prejudice to the rights he/she has acquired during the period he/she spent as a monthly-paid worker.

Article (60)

Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 38 of this Law, a worker may not be assigned duties which are essentially different from the agreed upon work without his/her written consent, except in cases of necessity dictated by transient circumstances and for a period not exceeding 30 days a year.

Article (61)

In addition to the duties provided for in this Law and the regulations and decisions issued for its implementation, the employer shall be required to:

1-Refrain from resorting to forced labor, or withholding the worker’s wage or part thereof without court order, or mistreating the worker in any manner that may infringe upon his dignity or religion.

2- Give the workers the time required to exercise their rights as provided for in this Law without any deductions from their wages against such time. The employer may regulate the exercise of this right in a manner not detrimental to work progress.

3-Facilitate for the employees of the competent authorities any task related to the enforcement of the provisions of this Law.

Article (64)

If the worker reports to work on the prescribed time or expresses his/her readiness to perform his/her work at such time but is prevented from doing so only by a cause which is ascribed to the employer, the worker shall be entitled to the wage for the period during which no work is performed.

Upon expiration of the employment contract, the employer shall be required to:

1- Give the worker, upon his/her request, a certificate of work experience free of charge, stating the date of commencing work, date of the end of the relationship with them, profession, and amount of the last salary. The employer may not include in the certificate any remark that would undermine the reputation of the worker or his/her chances of future employment.

2-Return to the worker all certificates or documents he/she had deposited with the employer.

About Article

business sector


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Article (3)
Employment ContractsDuties