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Assignment Regulations

Publication date: 28 March 2023 - 06 Ramadan 1444

The Civil Service Board Decision for approving the Regulations The Civil Service Board issued its Decision No. (1/596), dated 18/01/1420 AH, which was communicated in a letter to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers No. (7/3153/ R), dated 06/03/1420 AH Decided as follows: First:The title of (Regulations of Procedures and Conditions for Assigning an Employee to the Work of a Certain Job, along with his main Job) issued by Civil Service Board Decision No. (58), dated 16/09/1398 AH, shall be amended to become (Assignment Regulations). Second: Articles No. (1) and (4) of the aforementioned Regulations shall be amended, and two new articles shall be added to become (the Assignment Regulations) of (six) articles according to the formula attached to this Decision. Third:Such Decision shall enter into force as of the date of announcing it by the Office of the Council of Ministers. Whereas, the minutes of the Civil Service Board No. (420/596), dated 18/01/1420 AH, which included the aforementioned Decision, were approved by the above-mentioned Royal Decree; The General Secretariat is kindly asking you to take necessary actions to communicate this decision to all government agencies to be implemented. Attached is a copy of the Council's minutes, which includes the aforementioned decision and all documents related to the subject. Best Regards, Head of the General Bureau of Civil Service, Member of the Civil Service Council Muhammad bin Ali Al-Fayez

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