Beta version

Evaluate The Establishment in Domains

This service enables the establishments to identify the entity domain and its related establishments.

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Start the service

Clicking on 'Start the Service' will direct you to an external website that may have different policies for content and privacy than the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development website.


  1. Visit the electronic services website, log in, select the establishment then select (evaluate the establishment)
  2. All establishment related entities will be displayed along with the domain for each entity.
  3. You can see the details of the branches by clicking on (view branch details).




Required Documents

No documents required.


Through the service provision channel by pressing the Start Service button

About the service

01 January 2010 - 15 Muharram 1431
business sector
Free Service

Customer service

Start the service

Clicking on 'Start the Service' will direct you to an external website that may have different policies for content and privacy than the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development website.