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NAM labor ministers emphasize OSH amid Saudi delegation's participation in ILC

Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development (MLSD) representing Saudi Arabia took part in the Meeting of Labor Ministers of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) on Tuesday in Geneva.
The government participants explored a number of joint issues within the framework of the 106th Session of the International Labor Conference that still occurs in the Switzerland's city.
Mr. Guy Ryder, director-general of the International Labor Organization, delivered his opening statement before the NAM labor ministers, emphasizing the importance of member states' participation at the ILO in order to support their needs in the areas of labor and workers.
Additionally, Mr. Ryder expressed his thanks and gratitude to the NAM delegates for re-electing him as director-general for a second term.
At the high-ranking meeting, the government delegations agreed on exerting unswerving efforts on ending forced labor, discrimination in respect of employment and occupation and child labor, ensuring decent work for all workforce as per the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
They pointed out the importance of extending cooperation with the organization on exchanging experiences and technical support as well as enhancing capacity of labor market institutions, especially in the field of statistics.
Meanwhile, the member states expressed their keenness to benefit from the ILO general survey on the occupational safety and health instruments concerning construction, mines and agriculture, which are hazardous sectors for high record rates of work injuries and accidents.
The NAM labor ministers reiterated the human rights violations faced by workers in the occupied Arab territories, urging the ILO to support the Palestinian Fund for Employment and Social Protection.
On the sidelines of the ILC, the Saudi tripartite delegation representing government members, employers and workers participated in the Meeting of Labor Ministers of the ASPAG to enhance bilateral relations with labor-exporting countries.
The NAM ministerial meeting was attended by Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Amr, general supervisor of international labor affairs, and Saud Al-Juaid, director-general of international organizations.

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