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MLSD deposits SR 1.5m in monthly aid to 847,000 social security beneficiaries

Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development (MLSD) said that the beneficiaries under the social security received last Monday their payments for the month of Dhu al-Qi'dah including the financial support for food and portion of electricity bills. Ghazi Al-Shammari, acting deputy minister for social security at the ministry, said the total payments deposited to the beneficiaries’ bank accounts reached SR 1,487,433,735. For the current month, the deposited payments were directly sent to a total number of 847.410 beneficiaries with the aim of improving their living conditions, added Al-Shammari According to the directive issued by H.E. Minister of Labor and Social Development Ali bin Nasser al-Ghafis, the ministry combined the month social security and monetary assistance for food and electricity bills to be sent at once to the beneficiaries’ bank accounts since the month of Ramadan.

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