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Human Resources Development Fund


The establishment of the Human Resources Development Fund(HRDF) has come under the council of ministers' decision No. (107) dated 29/04/1421H, and the Royal Decree No. (m/18) dated 5/05/1421H with its legal entity which is financially and administratively independent. As a result of a clear vision of a Saudi strategic objective, its achievement represents an unprecedented challenge. That objective is job nationalization in the private sector. Therefore the establishment of HRDF has come as one of the active mechanisms to contribute to providing the Saudi cadre or staff that is well qualified with education knowledge and well-trained national youths (both males and females) in order to be in the level of accepting that challenge and achieving that strategic objective which will provide the country with social, security and economic benefits by enabling the Saudi youths to possess the knowledge and skills that are required for filling private sector jobs and consequently all that will result in a positive influence on the national economy.

To develop and increase the employability of the National Human Resources through high-impact interventions offered in partnership with the key labor market stakeholders.


Social Development Bank