نسخة تجريبية

Social Development Bank

الموقع الإلكتروني
بنك التنمية الإجتماعية


To be pioneers in empowering social development tools and enhancing the financial independence of individuals and families toward a vibrant and productive society.


Providing financial and non-financial services and targeted and effective savings programs supported by qualified human cadres to contribute to social development, build partnerships, spread financial awareness and promote a culture of self-employment.



We perform our duties according to the highest standards of honesty and reliability and manage our resources with a sense of responsibility and commitment to ethics as a government bank with a social responsibility stemming from our religion and our systems.


All our procedures and practices are clear and professional, and we disclose our achievements and results to the beneficiaries and the community.


We focus on achieving the desired results and striving to make a tangible difference. We work to achieve a sustainable social and economic impact for our internal and external customers, partners, and society in general, and we always look forward to providing better services.


We perform our duties according to our religious values, our commitment to our kingdom, and the responsibility entrusted to us. This is reflected in the ways we interact with our partners and customers and how our employees perform their daily tasks.


We are constantly seeking new ideas that allow us to benefit Saudi society. Based on our vision and mission, we always aim to attract people with such ideas and make them part of our big family.



Provides interest-free financing and non-financial services for micro-enterprises, to encourage their owners to practice businesses and professions by themselves and for their own account, and the bank determines the classification of these projects and the upper limit of their capital and the number of employees in them.


Providing interest-free social financing for low-income citizens to help them overcome their financial difficulties.


Developing and nurturing the microenterprise sector in order to enhance its role in economic and social development.


Work to encourage savings and savings for individuals and institutions in the Kingdom, and to find tools and programs that achieve this.


Providing interest-free financing programs and non-financial services to associations and civil institutions, enabling them to contribute to providing services to the segments targeted by the bank.