نسخة تجريبية
Slider Annual Report

Youth Empowerment

Youth empowerment

We can call the Saudi society the name of the youth society, as youth under the age of 30 constitute the largest proportion of the Kingdom's population. This makes them an essential basis for economic and societal transformation in all fields. The exceptional capabilities of young people and their constant ambition for positive change constitute a great force for the success of the Kingdom's Vision 2030. It is not surprising that young people (of both sexes) are more optimistic about the goals of Vision 2030 and are involved in its programs. Belief in visions and huge strategic projects always requires a deep understanding of their components, and building bridges of knowledge in their minute details, in a way that enhances confidence in their goals and those in charge of them.

Youth and the Kingdom's Vision 2030

Based on the Kingdom's Vision 2030 and its continuous bet on the promising Saudi youth as one of the most important and largest basic groups in it. In its endeavor to achieve the Kingdom's Vision 2030, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development launched many programs and projects to empower youth within the programs and projects of national transformation initiatives, with the aim of increasing youth participation socially and in the labor market. The Ministry seeks to overcome all obstacles and harness all capabilities to serve this important group of society, by creating a positive social perspective on them through vocational rehabilitation programs and the various activities offered to them.

Job incentives program for the non-profit sector

Among the efforts of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in the workforce rehabilitation initiative; The "Job Incentives for the Non-Profit Sector" program comes to achieve a great integration between human resources goals and social development goals, as the program contributes to generating thousands of attractive qualitative jobs that maintain superior competencies and attract more of them to the non-profit sector, and then these competencies contribute – In turn - in empowering the sector and improving the work environment in it so that it becomes more capable of generating attractive qualitative jobs.

The Ministry was keen to launch the “Program for Job Incentives for the Non-Profit Sector” to contribute to achieving several strategic goals, the most important of which are:

Contribute to reducing unemployment and creating thousands of new job opportunities.

Deepening the impact of non-profit organizations, and raising the level of their contribution to the GDP from 0.6% to 5% in accordance with the objectives of the Kingdom's Vision 2030.

Increasing women's participation in the non-profit sector.

The Ministry carried out a comprehensive study to identify job incentives needed for the non-profit sector, and came up with a lengthy list of 39 incentives. Focus was placed on the top ten priority incentives. Accordingly, the "Program of Job Incentives for the Non-Profit Sector" was launched, with the aim of developing an applicable regulatory framework. These incentives can include some of these benefits:

  • Flexible work incentive: Work flexibility arrangements in terms of place, time, days, and others.
  • Competitive leave incentive: Competitive policies covering different types of work leave.
  • Diversified Employment Contracts Catalyst: Providing several types of attractive employment contracts for different categories of employees, which take into account the nature of their relationship, which contributes to raising the level of job security and attracting distinguished talents.
  • Motivator for performance appraisal and payment interview: Professional evaluation of employee performance, and its reflection with advantages and returns on the employee and the organization.
  • Health insurance catalyst: Improving insurance and health care coverage, and providing competitive and attractive benefits.
  • Pension Incentive: Provide multiple options for the pension system within the social insurance.
  • Career Paths Catalyst and Professional Development: Designing career paths on professional bases to ensure professional development commensurate with job competencies, activating training programs for them, and organizing secondment and rotation of employees inside and outside the sector.
  • Financing Facilities Incentive: Facilitating obtaining financing facilities from banks, including, for example, housing, car, personal financing, and others.
  • Daycare Incentive: Providing appropriate support for daycare in the form of cash allowances, or directly within the organisations.
  • Catalyst for improving the work environment and culture: Providing integrated solutions to improve the work environment and culture in non-profit organizations, taking into account the workplace, proper planning, policies and procedural guides, developing the level of transparency and accountability, measuring the social impact of the organization, and so on.

To download the program profile (click here)

Youth and Volunteer Work

The volunteer work is the feature of vital societies for its role in activating the powers of society and enriching the country with the achievements and hands of its sons. From this point, MHRSD supported the establishment of a Saudi initiative for volunteer work that provides a safe environment, which serves and regulates the relationship between the entities providing volunteer opportunities and volunteers in the Kingdom. Through the same, MHRSD aims to:

Easy access to the volunteer opportunities by the volunteers.

Obtain notifications regarding volunteer opportunities according to the volunteer's interests.

Monitor and document volunteering hours.

Provide specialized volunteer opportunities that have social and economic influence.

MHRSD established and activated departments for managing volunteer in NPOs, where such departments are competent with determining NPO's volunteer requirements, providing volunteer opportunities for them, attracting and employing volunteers according to their capabilities and NPO's requirements and providing opportunities. In addition, the department qualifies and trains the volunteers as per the task, monitors them during performance, honors them and publishes their achievements after undertaking volunteer work. This initiative also includes setting and standardizing regulations and manuals, enhancing concept of specialized volunteer to contribute to engaging those experienced and specialized in related organizations and in a manner that contributes to meet the requirements and enabling them more. This initiative also integrates with the training programs in Human Resources Development Fund "HRDF" to empower the volunteers.

خدمات الوزارة

كل ما تقدمه الوزارة من خدمات إلكترونية لمساعدة المعنين بسرعة لإنجاز معاملاتهم

Registration in Electronic Gate

New registration in the electronic gate service to allow the user to benefit from available electronic service
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Open Establishment File

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Friendly Settlement for Labor Disputes

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Jobs Data and Variables Verification

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Governmental entities
تاريخ آخر تحديث : 07 January 2023 - 14 Jumada al-thani 1444

Jobs’ Need Recording

This service enables government agencies to register their annual job vacancy requirements to allow the Ministry of Civil Service to announce for these jobs to Saudi job seekers.​
Governmental entities
تاريخ آخر تحديث : 08 January 2023 - 15 Jumada al-thani 1444

Training and Scholarships Portal

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Governmental entities
تاريخ آخر تحديث : 08 January 2023 - 15 Jumada al-thani 1444

Service Statement (BAYAN)

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Governmental entitiesIndividuals
تاريخ آخر تحديث : 08 January 2023 - 15 Jumada al-thani 1444

Apply for Support Jobs (SAAID – Apply)

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تاريخ آخر تحديث : 08 January 2023 - 15 Jumada al-thani 1444

Grievance service

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تاريخ آخر تحديث : 08 January 2023 - 15 Jumada al-thani 1444

My Employment Data

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تاريخ آخر تحديث : 08 January 2023 - 15 Jumada al-thani 1444

Job occupancy service by promotions

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IndividualsGovernmental entities
تاريخ آخر تحديث : 08 January 2023 - 15 Jumada al-thani 1444

Regulations and Procedures

لوائح تنظيم العمل تهدف إلى تنظيم البيئة الداخلية في المنشآت من خلال اعتماد لوائح تنظيم

Procedural Guide for Student Training Decision (Cooperative Training)

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BusinessmenIndividualsالباحثين عن عمل

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The Decision to Localize Procurement Professions

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For the Decision to Localize Women's Beauty and Dressmaking Outlets

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Regulation of Secondment

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برامج الوزارة

تعرف على اهم برامج الوزارة لتحقيق وتعزيز التمكين

الأسئلة الشائعة

اكثر الأسئلة شيوعا حول مواضيع تهمك

user interface

Modern design of user interfaces, which is consistent with the identity and logo of the Ministry, which provides an easy, clear and direct user journey

Help Center

A multi-technology help center, whether through instant communication or raising and following up requests

customization of services

Customize the interface and services in accordance with user behavior, to ensure a rich and effective experience

Through the service provision channel by pressing the Start Service button

Access to services

Human resources and social development services at your fingertips

User-centered experience

Show the services related to the beneficiary

Follow up on your requests

View your order details and get notifications of the latest updates

Contact the ministry

Express your thoughts

Contact us so that we can help you with domestic violence reports and the call center

Check your data in one place

Digital identity verification in integration with the national unified sign-on

View your personal data and employment history

Get access to your digital cards, which are available for the first time for people with special needs, to benefit from traffic facilities, travel discounts and priority at health centers


Meeting the needs of all beneficiaries in line with different age groups and people with special needs