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82 inspection teams implement field rounds on gold and jewelry shops: MLSD

Publication date: @gregorian - @hijri
العمل والتنمية الاجتماعية": 85 فرقة تفتيش تنفذ جولات ميدانية على محال الذهب والمجوهرات للتحقق من تطبيق التوطين

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development announced on Monday a total of 85 labor inspection teams have been dispatched to make sure gold and jewelry shops across the Kingdom comply with the decision aiming to totally nationalize the gold and jewelry sector.

The move is in a bid to activate the nationalization program for regions, which is in cooperation with the MLSD, the Ministry of Interior, the governorates of regions, the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce and Investment, the Public Security and the General Directorate of Passports (Jawazat).

MLSD spokesman Khaled Abalkhail said 85 inspection teams start implementing inspection rounds across the Kingdom as each team consists of 6-7 personnel along with other individuals from specialized entities, highlighting the clampdown includes malls and shopping centers in various parts of the country in order to check if employers comply with the decision and detect violations as well.

Abalkhail also urged customers to cooperate with the ministry and report violations relating to the nationalization decision and the Labor Law through the ‘Ma3an Lil Rasd’ website or the unified customer service no. (19911), reassuring all reports would be dealt with promptness as the ministry is keen to improve, develop and regulate the labor market.

Meanwhile, the regional nationalization program aims to prepare plans and mechanisms that nationalize occupations of various economic sectors and activities with relying on capabilities of each region, as well as implementing the previously-issued nationalization decisions and programs.

The program strives to empower the Saudi young people to seize job opportunities, enhance integration among all government and private entities to carry out specific nationalization plans, create a decent and appropriate work environment and lay out incentives that encourage the business sector to nationalize available jobs in the region.

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business sector, Social Development Sector