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The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development announces the Saudization of a new set of activities and professions in the Kingdom, and the entry into force of others

Publication date: 12 April 2023 - 21 Ramadan 1444
شعار انجليزي

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development announced the Saudization of a new group of professions and activities to be added to the Saudization journey that it is carrying out in partnership with the supervisory authorities. The localized professions and activities included the Saudization of “project management” professions, “procurement” professions, “sales” professions, and “outlets providing services for shipping activities and freight brokers”, in addition to the outlets of “women’s decorating and sewing activities”, in several stages throughout the Kingdom, with the aim of providing more stimulating and productive job opportunities for the sons and daughters of the country, and raising the level of their participation in the labor market.

The Saudization of "project management professions" included the professions of (project management manager, project management specialist), in cooperation with the Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing, where the implementation of the decision will be in two phases, the first phase by 35% and the second phase by 40% of the total number of workers in project management professions in the establishment that employ 3 workers or more; The minimum wage is SR 6,000.

In addition, “procurement professions” were localized by 50% for establishments that employ 3 workers or more in the procurement professions, and “sales professions” were localized by 15% for establishments that employ 5 workers or more in sales professions, and the procurement professions include: (procurement manager, procurement representative, contracts manager, private trademarks supply specialist, and bidding specialist), while sales professions include (sales manager, internal sales and customer services manager, patent specialist, marketing sales expert, printer and copying machines salesperson, computer salesperson, sales representative, retail sales manager, wholesale sales manager, commercial specialist, sales specialist.

Also, 14 activities have been localized in “outlets providing services for freight activities and freight brokers” in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport and Logistics Services and the General Transport Authority, in addition to the full Saudization of “outlets providing women’s decoration and tailoring services” for administrative functions in all facilities, in addition to the requirement of one Saudi worker in the technical professions of the outlets that employ 10 female workers or more in the technical professions, as this came in cooperation with the Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing.

The Ministry also announced the start of the implementation of the second phase of the Saudization of postal and parcel transportation activities, as well as the start of the implementation of the Saudization of the medical devices sector for its second phase, starting from the date of 10/09/1444 AH corresponding to 01/04/2023, after the end of the grace period specified for the Saudization of these professions and activities.

The Saudization of “postal and parcel transportation activities” includes limiting the profession of CEOs to Saudis, and the Saudization of first-level professions of senior management by 60% in all establishments licensed by the supervisory authority to practice postal and parcel transportation activities, where Saudization took place in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport and Logistics Services and the General Authority. for transportation.

While the second phase of the Saudization of the “medical devices sector” included the Saudization of sales, advertising and introduction to medical devices and supplies by 80%, and the Saudization of engineering and technical professions for medical devices by 50%, as it came in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, and it applies to all establishments operating in the activities of medical devices and supplies.

The Ministry affirms that it will provide a package of incentives and support to support private sector establishments and assist them in hiring Saudis, in addition to benefiting from all Saudization support programs available in the system, and support and employment programs through the Human Resources Development Fund (Hadaf).

It is worth noting that the Ministry has issued procedural guides that explain the details of the Saudization of professions and activities and the mechanisms for their implementation. It also stresses the need for establishments to adhere to these decisions in order to avoid the statutory penalties that will be applied against violators.

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