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The Ministry of Labor and Social Development holds the first meeting of the Council of Projects of Preserving Grace

Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444
وزارة العمل والتنمية الاجتماعية تعقد الاجتماع الأول لمجلس جمعيات ومشاريع حفظ النعمة

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development held the first meeting of the Council of Associations and Projects of Preserving Grace in the Kingdom, in the presence of Eng. Mishary Al Tarif, Advisor to the Agency for Social Development and members of the Council, at the Ministry's headquarters in Riyadh. During the meeting, the council's regulations were presented, including the proposed administrative structure and discussing the tasks and objectives of the council. The most important of these is the coordination between the associations and projects to preserve the grace, so as to achieve cooperation, integration and capacity development, and to organize annual meetings of the associations concerned with preserving the blessing. In the projects and programs to save grace, and conduct research and studies on the reduction of waste and preservation of grace after coordination with the relevant body. The Council's tasks included the establishment of partnerships with relevant bodies to support the objectives of the charitable societies (awareness and information, reduction of waste and waste of food, re-utilization of surplus food) and the development of development projects through these partnerships to ensure financial sustainability supporting projects and programs to save grace, Activating the participation of volunteers in the conservation projects of grace, and the Council will coordinate the unified information for all societies to save grace. The meeting discussed a number of important issues that require continuous coordination with several parties and prioritizing them within a timetable. The council should include them in the operational plan. The members of the council decided to hold four meetings a year to follow up the work and find out their results. The number of associations and projects associated with the preservation of grace is more than (30) societies in different regions of the Kingdom.

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