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"Labor and Social Development" revokes the license of a recruitment company and four offices to stop services from another office

Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444
"العمل والتنمية الاجتماعية" تلغي ترخيص شركة استقدام و4 مكاتب وتوقف الخدمات عن مكتباً آخراً

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development canceled the licensing of recruitment companies for violations of the rules of the practice of recruitment and provision of labor services in accordance with the decision of the competent committee to consider the violations of licensed recruitment companies and offices. The Ministry also decided to cancel four recruitment offices, The withdrawal of the bank guarantee in the event of inability to pay its obligations with customers, in addition to the suspension of services provided to him by the Ministry and related parties. The ministry's spokesman Khalid Abaalkhil said the cancellation decisions were an extension of ongoing decisions against violators from recruitment offices and companies. In the past two years, 31 companies have been revoked and the license of an importing company has been revoked. The bank guarantee has been withdrawn from 14 recruitment offices Committing several offenses, including: granting the right to use the license directly or indirectly, and the inability or failure of the Office to pay its contractual obligations with its customers. The Spokesman affirmed the Ministry's keenness to follow up the work of the recruitment offices and companies and to stand in the field on their sites to verify their compliance with the regulations and to monitor the irregularities and fines, in order to achieve compliance and stability of the recruitment market free from violations and consents of the contracting parties. . The ministry called on all customers to report any irregularities or problems encountered in recruitment through the official channels for submitting communications either by contacting the Call Center for Customer Service (19911) Or through branches of labor offices in all regions of the Kingdom.

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