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Labor and Social Development: Conclusion of the First Forum on Social Responsibility

Publication date: 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444
العمل والتنمية الاجتماعية: اختتام أعمال الملتقى الأول للمسؤولية الاجتماعية

The first social responsibility forum, organized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development in Riyadh, concluded last Thursday with the aim of unifying efforts and integration with all parties in the field of social responsibility and cooperation with stakeholders to achieve the objectives of the Kingdom's vision of social responsibility and encouraging volunteerism. The first session reviewed the social responsibility of companies and highlighted the specific experiences in this field. The second session discussed the relation of social responsibility to sustainable development, with the participation of representatives from ministries of labor and social development And discussed the role and efforts of their ministries in the field of social responsibility. The third session discussed social responsibility in the universities, with the participation of representatives of the University of the College, Prince Sultan University and the Arab Open University. The forum also witnessed the establishment of a social responsibility exhibition with the participation of a number of government and private bodies, and a number of lectures, seminars and workshops, which was attended by several specialists and interested in social responsibility and volunteer work. The Minister of Labor and Social Development, Eng. Ahmed bin Sulaiman Al-Rajhi, announced during his speech at the opening of the forum, the establishment of the Ministry of Social Responsibility General Administration, and concerned with supporting sustainable development and organizing and strengthening the field of social responsibility. , The Social Responsibility Observatory, the Social Responsibility Manual (ISO 26000), the Social Responsibility Association (CSR), which aims to stimulate the establishment of associations in this field. Aya specialized social responsibility, and the number of influential as ambassadors of social responsibility for the participation of the Ministry in the dissemination of the culture of social responsibility.

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