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The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development signs a memorandum of understanding with the Premiere League Professional Clubs Association

Publication date: 14 May 2023 - 24 Shawwal 1444

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development signed a joint memorandum of understanding with the Constituent Assembly of the League of First Division Clubs for Professionals. The Ministry was represented in signing the MOU by the Undersecretary of the Ministry for Community Development, Mr. Ahmed bin Saleh Al Majid, while the Association was represented by the acting Chairman of its Board of Directors, Mr. Talal bin Abdullah Al-Obaidi.

The MOU aims to achieve a number of goals, represented in cooperation and strengthening of solidarity for the beneficiaries of charitable institutions for the care of orphans that are supervised by the Ministry, and facilitating their integration in the sports field, in order to contribute to increasing the percentage of direct and indirect employment in all fields supervised by the Constituent Assembly of the League of First Division Clubs for Professionals, as well as organizing the relationship of cooperation between the Ministry and the League with regard to supporting the Ministry’s activities and introducing its programs and services it provides, or in cooperation or coordination with other government service authorities, by taking advantage of the promotional ability of the First Division League, in addition to strengthening the League’s position and image by showing its commitment to the principles of social responsibility.

It is noteworthy that the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development seeks, through the conclusion of such MOUs, to empower the individual, society and establishments, enhance social responsibility, advance the labor market through the development of policies and legislation, and enable the Ministry's employees to provide a distinguished experience for the beneficiaries, according to its vision of a vibrant and empowered society and a distinct work environment, towards an attractive job market.

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Social Development Sector
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