نسخة تجريبية

MLSD Boosts the Inspection Potentials to Improve the Level of Adhering to the Occupational Health and Safety at the Establishments.

تاريخ النشر : 21 September 2022 - 25 Safar 1444
العمل والتنمية الاجتماعية تـُعزز ممكنات التفتيش لتحسين مستوى الالتزام بالسلامة والصحة المهنية في المنشآت

"A workshop held at the Headquartes of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development has discussed the ways of enhancing the inspection operations of the occupational health and safety in order to protect the laborers at the private sector establishdments from the diseases , work accidents through commititing to the implementation of the labor rules and regulations pertaining to the health requirements of the occupational health and safety. Holding the workshop in which the Ministry's inspectors (males and females) from all around the Kingdom's regions have participated has come as in the light of the current inspection procedures to discuss the ways of upgrading the the potentials and the tools of inspections in order to help hte inspectors (males and females ) to strictly implement the occupational health and safety in the way that contributes in developing a healthy and safe work enivronment aiming to reduce the accidents of labor and support the sustainablility of the workforce at the private sector . The occupational health and safety team at the agency of inspection and and work environment development has explained during that workshop , the current situations and condition of the occupational health and safety inspection , and the most important international practices pertaining to it, and what ar ehte best ways to improve the occupational health and safety inspection operations that the inspectors(males and females) can use in order to contribute in upfgrading the emdployers and the labors' committment with the occupational health and safety practices systems . The compatibility of the current inspection operations with the international convention No. (81) of the International Labor Organization has also been boosted pertaining to the work inspection which K.s.a has endorsed. The workshop has also discussed the important role of the inspectors (males and females)in observing the implementation of the regulations and the bylaws , their role in educatng and enlightening the employers and the laborers with the guidances that can upgrade the levels of awareness pertaining to the committment with the occupational health and safety systems during the inspection visits. "

عن الخبر

business sector