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The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development holds the first meeting of the Sector Skills Councils Initiative in the Kingdom.

Publication date: 25 July 2023 - 07 Muharram 1445

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, represented by the Skills and Training Agency, held the first meeting of the Sector Skills Councils Initiative in the Kingdom. The meeting covered the sectors of "Tourism and Hospitality, Energy and Public Utilities, and Manufacturing Industries." It took place over two days, on June 12th and June 13th, 2023, in Riyadh. The meeting was led by the Undersecretary of the Ministry for Skills and Training, Dr. Ahmed Al-Zahrani, and was attended by several undersecretaries of ministries, executive directors from relevant government institutions in the sectors, human resources directors in the private sector, and representatives from the National Committee for Labor Committees and the Saudi Chambers involved in the sectors. This initiative reflects the ministry's commitment to activating the role of the Sector Skills Councils, discussing their annual action plan, and initiating the development of the outputs of the Sector Skills Councils in the Kingdom, including the reports on sector-specific skills and frameworks for the skills in the three sectors.

The meeting's agenda was structured around three main axes, following a timeline prepared for the first day dedicated to the Tourism and Hospitality sector. On the second day, attendees discussed the agenda related to the Energy and Public Utilities sector and the Manufacturing Industries sector. During these discussions, the participants were introduced to the members and given an overview of the Sector Skills Councils Initiative. The annual plans of the councils and the expectations of the members were presented and discussed. Additionally, the methodology for developing sector-specific frameworks for skills and the outputs of the Sector Skills Councils were thoroughly examined.

During his speech at the meeting, Dr. Ahmed Al-Zahrani, the Deputy Minister for Skills and Training, emphasized the importance of Sector Skills Councils and stated that the ministry is working towards enhancing and activating 12 sector-specific skills councils. The aim is to design 12 technical and specialized sector-specific skills frameworks, covering 2,000 skills, and building and developing standards for 300 sector-specific professions and career pathways by the year 2025. He emphasized that skill development is a top strategic priority for the Kingdom and a crucial enabler in achieving the goals of Saudi Vision 2030.

The Sector Skills Councils were established within the framework of the Labor Market Strategy and were approved by the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (254) of the year 2020. Their main objective is to design and activate an interconnected network of councils for the key economic sectors that impact the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. These councils operate with a diverse and flexible approach, focusing on bridging the skill gaps by gathering and building unified information about sectors and professional skills. They also work on developing and collaborating with relevant entities in the system regarding potential areas of improvement related to the skills agenda. These councils serve as a vital mechanism used by various countries to address the major challenges in skill development.


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